O.C.F.D. Antenna
1.Uniquely designed light weight and super strong.
2. Easy to assemble.
3. Tested and proven at W4FSV for over 9 years!
4. Waterproof and Bug proof.
5. Handles up to 150 watts.
6. So light and strong...it does not need a center support, unless mounted as a Vee.
7. Low SWR on most bands... use with tuner for a near perfect match.
This antenna has been well tested here at W4FSV. It has survived a hurricane and tropical storm! We pulled on one end with a tractor and the wire broke, but the balun survived! We threw the long end over a tree and layed the short end on the ground with the balun one foot off the ground and fired up a KX3 at 5 watts... worked 5 DX stations in 30 minutes! Seems like every other balun out there is stuck in a plastic pipe. That adds a lot of weight and over time becomes a home for insects! Our design is less than 4 ounces. Liquid Tape coating as the final building step forms a solid coating which is waterproof, UV resistant and leaves nowhere for the bugs to call home. This antenna works!

Completed 4:1 balun shown before application of protective coating.
Now in kit Version (balun and center insulator) add your own wire and end insulators. Includes assembly and cutting instructions.

Moose vs. OCFD
True Story (9-15-2020)
Last July, I put up one of my light weight Off Center Fed Dipole antennas. This one cut for 60 meters was just a temporary antenna to test my new 60 meter transceiver, the Woodpecker.
It was hung from a tree and my 60 foot tower at the 40 foot level. This tower is in one of our pastures. The coax hung down to about 15 feet and over to the tower and to the remote antenna switch. At one point the coax was only about 6 feet above the ground.
I did not know that my wife had put her half quarter horse / half draft horse “Moose” out in that pasture. And, Moose did not know about my antenna! My clue that something was wrong was a terrible SWR which was usually about 1.4 : 1. When I investigated, I discovered that both ends of the wires were still connected to the tree and tower and the balun was on the ground with the coax still connected. The antenna wire was cut on both sides at the crimped ferrules. Remarkably the balun and attached center insulator were undamaged! All I have to do is splice the wires and hang it up again (a little higher next time). Moose was not injured!
This is MOOSE
This is the OCFD Balun/Center Insulator
Coated with Liquid Tape for weather protection