Splinter II
End Fed Antenna
OCFD Antenna
Wood Stain
Timber T/R
QLF-Foot Switch
40 meter regen receiver. Amazing performance. Fixed regeneration, attenuator. Will work as CPO. Provision for mute, sidetone and T/R. Adjustable tuning range from 25 to100 KHz.
40 meter universal transmitter. Half watt output. Has sidetone, 3 position VXO, mute and works with key or keyer. Perfect mate for Sawdust, Sawbuck or vintage receivers. Use with our T/R switch for antenna switch.
Our Code Practice Oscillator features a pure sine wave tone from a twin-Tee oscillator circuit followed by an audio amplifier stage driving a built-in speaker. Built in key also!
The Wood Stain is a QRP dummy load for up to 10 watts. Also contains a built-in R.F. probe! Just connect your Volt-ohm meter to read your R.F. Power Output. Nifty!
Our End Fed Random Wire antenna has a unique space saving design and can be mounted in several configurations. 80 - 10 meters with a good antenna tuner and proper wire and coax length.
Designed to work with our Woodchip and Sawdust. Provides antenna and mute switching for receiver and transmitter operation. Will work with most QRP transmitters and vintage tube receivers.

Our unique OCFD antenna is pre-assembled. Also offered as a partial kit. Add your own wire,insulators and coax to build your own Off Center Fed Dipole or Delta Loop antenna.

More to come!

Your Host...Terry Termite
QRP Kits fthat are easy to buils and fun to use.
Breadboard Radio
QRP Kits
QRP Kits that are easy to use and fun to use.
Sawbuck DC Receiver
60 meter Woodpecker
40 meter Woodpecker
Woody Straight Key Kit
60 meter CW transceiver for 5332KHz. Sidetone,QSKT/R switching RIT, Audio filter and more. Half watt plus output. Made many 300 to 700mi. QSOs.
40 meter DC receiver designed to work with the Woodchip. Mute, sidetone, audio filter and more.
A neat little key made from all wooden parts except for the switch and cable with attached 1/8 in. phone plug.
Available soon

New Version!!!
Updated January 4, 2025
NOTICE: I am closed from 1-5-25 until 2-15-25. Please hold your orers until 2-15-25.
I will be out of the country with my XYL for our 40th anaversary. Thank you!
All kits are complete with all parts, hardware and top quality printed circuit board.
TO ORDER, please use our mail order form only. No telephone or internet orders.
Please see ORDER FORM for more information.
Bill, W4FSV

Basically a 40 meter version Woodpecker with two panel selected crystal frequencies